HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana 2024 Registration
hp mukhyamantri shahri ajeevika guarantee yojana 2024 registration at mmsagy.hp.gov.in portal, guaranteed 120 days employment for urban poor, check eligibility criteria, application form, job card format, components, permissible activities before applying online for MMSAGY Scheme 2023
HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana 2024
The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Shri Jai Ram Thakur Ji has launched the Chief Minister Urban Livelihood Guarantee Scheme. Under Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana, the Government of Himachal Pradesh will provide 120 days of guaranteed wage employment to every household in a financial year. This scheme will increase livelihood security in urban areas.

hp mukhyamantri shahri ajeevika guarantee yojana 2024 registration
Facility of skill development of laborers will also be provided under the Chief Minister Urban Livelihood Guarantee Scheme. So that they can get different livelihood opportunities. All the beneficiaries who will be provided with the facility of skill development, if they want to open their own enterprise, then they will also be provided loan facility, which will develop the enterprise sector of the state.
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Eligibility Criteria for HP Mukhya Mantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana
Only those candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria will be eligible for Mukhya Mantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Scheme: –
- All adult household members who register under the scheme will be eligible to work. To register they need to be:
- Local residents of ULB. (This means that they must live under the jurisdiction of the ULB in their own house or rent).
- Applicants should be ready to do unskilled work in projects or sanitation services provided by urban local bodies.
- The householder would include a husband, wife and their minor children. However, only adult members of the household will be eligible to work.
- The upper age limit for working will be 65 years.
Major components of MMSAGY scheme in Himachal Pradesh
There are 4 components in this Chief Minister Urban Livelihood Guarantee Scheme which are described here: –
- Employment Guarantee – The objective of this scheme is to provide 120 days of employment to all the eligible beneficiaries in ULB to ensure livelihood security. ULB shall not appoint an eligible beneficiary for more than 120 days in any financial year.
- Maximum period for employment – The maximum period for which employment will be given will be 120 days.
- Skill training – All eligible beneficiaries will also get skill training under Deen Dayal Antyodaya – National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM) to create more opportunities for better livelihood.
- Bank Linkage – Under this scheme skilled beneficiary will have the facility to apply for loan under DAY-NULM.
Term of Mukhya Mantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana
Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana will be implemented in all local bodies and Cantonment Board. The Chief Minister Urban Livelihood Guarantee Scheme has been implemented till 31 March 2021. In view of further circumstances, the duration of this scheme can also be extended.
Objective of Mukhya Mantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana
The main objective of the Mukhya Mantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana is to provide 120 days of guaranteed employment to all laborers. So that their livelihood will improve and their economic condition will improve. Skill development will also be given attention through this scheme. In order to provide better employment opportunities to the workers.
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Benefits and features of Himachal Pradesh Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana
- Guaranteed wage employment will be provided in a financial year under HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojana.
- This employment will be provided for 120 days.
- Through this scheme, the livelihood of workers will be improved.
- Under this scheme, skill development will also be provided to the workers.
- Due to skill development, laborers will get better employment opportunities.
- If the workers want to open their enterprise after skill development, then they will also be provided loan facility.
- The Himachal Pradesh Urban Livelihood Guarantee Scheme is currently implemented till 31 March 2021.
- In view of further circumstances, the duration of this scheme can also be extended.
- To apply under this scheme you have to visit the official website.
HP MMSAGY online registration/ application form/ job card format
Below is a direct link to apply online for HP Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Scheme. People can see the format of the HP MMSGY application / registration form as well as the process of downloading the job card.
Direct Link : http://ud.hp.gov.in/mukhya-mantri-shahri-ajeevika-guarantee-yojna-mmsagy
Clicking on this link will open a new page which shows the plan as a PDF file download along with the link for online registration: –

online registration
Online registration for MMSAGY scheme
- People can now click on the link “Online Registration for MMSAGY – Click here” to open a new portal with the link http://mmsagy.hp.gov.in/home.aspx.
- You click on the Applicant Registration link in the newly opened page.

applicant registration
- Now the registration form will open in front of you.

hp mukhyamantri shahri ajeevika guarantee yojana 2024 registration
- Finally click on the Submit button.
Application Procedure for Mukhyamantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Scheme
- Any eligible beneficiary may apply to get registered with the ULB. Application can also be filled online at portal specified for the purpose.
- All eligible benificaries of a household will be registered through a single application only. No separate applications are required.
- The ULBs after due verification will issue a Job Card free of cost. The Job Card will bear the photographs of the registered beneficiaries.
- The Job Card will be issued within 7 days of registration.
- Employment will be given to the eligible beneficiary within 15 days of registration, failing which an unemployment allowance @ Rs. 75 per day will be paid by the ULBs.
- All accounts and records relating to the MMSAGY shall be available for public scrutiny for which these shall be uploaded on the website of the ULB and the Directorate of Urban Development.
Click here for information about the scheme in Hindi
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