Indian Army Agniveer Bharti 2025 Apply Online

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Agniveer Bharti 2025

LATEST UPDATE :  Online Applications for Army Agniveer Rally will start from February 2025. Indian Army will make Agniveer Recruitment twice in a Year. In Year 2025, Agniveer Rally will conduct in May & November 2025. In New Process, Written Exam will conduct first in Online Mode for Agniveer Recruitment. 10-15 times candidates will be called for Physical Test & then Medical Exam. There will be 15% Reservation for Agniveer in Indian Railway. Railway Board has sent notice to all Recruitment Boards & RRC regarding this. Skill Certificate equivalent to ITI will also provide to Agniveer’s in Indian Army. Keep in touch with us for latest updates……

Agneepath Yojana has been launched by the Central Government. Under this scheme, the youth will be included in the Indian Army. Citizens appointed under Agneepath Yojana will be called Agniveer. The government will recruit 46000 firefighters in the army this year. Agniveer can provide its services for 4 years. Retirement will be provided to Agniveer after 4 years. The firefighters will be paid a salary of ₹ 30000 per month. In addition firefighters will be provided all the benefits that are provided to other soldiers.

indian army agniveer bharti 2025

indian army agniveer bharti 2025

Citizens between the ages of 17.5 and 23 can apply under Agniveer Bharti Yojana. Service fund will be provided on completion of 4 year period. The amount will be Rs. 11.71 lakhs. Many other benefits will also be provided to the firefighters so that they can get employment after retirement. Apart from this, 25 per cent firefighters will also be given permanent jobs in the army.

Also Read : Samarth Scheme 

Agniveer recruitment Schedule

ParticularsImportant Dates
Date of issue of draft notificationFebruary 2025
Date of issue of notification of different recruitment unitsFebruary 2025
Start date of the first batch of firefightersAnnounce Later
Date of commencement of the second batch of firefightersAnnounce Later

Agniveer Recruitment Selection Process

  • The selected Agniveers will be recruited in the same way as soldiers are recruited in the army under normal circumstances.
  • First of all the notification will be issued by the army.
  • Agniveers have to apply according to this notification.
  • After that they have to give written test.
  • After passing the written test, their physical test, literacy etc. will be done.
  • On the basis of which the Agniveers will be appointed in the army by preparing merit.

Recruitment under Agniveer Recruitment

ArmyFirst to second yearThird YearFourth Year
Indian Army400004500050,000
Indian Air Force350044005300
Indian Navy300030003000

Agniveer Bharti Salary

YearMonthly packageIn hand salaryContribution to Agniveer corpus fund 30%Contribution to corpus fund by government of India
1st YearRs 30000Rs 21000Rs 9000Rs 9000
2nd YearRs 33000Rs 23100Rs 9900Rs 9900
3rd YearRs 36500Rs 25580Rs 10950Rs 10950
4th YearRs 40000Rs 28000Rs 12000Rs 12000

Total contribution in corpus fund after 4 years

Rs 5.02 lakhRs 5.02 lakh

Benefits provided in the event of Agniveer’s death

CategoryBenefits provided to Agniveers

In case of death in the line of duty

Insurance cover of 48 lakhs will be provided with a lump sum amount of 44 lakhs along with the salary service fund till the completion of 4 full years

In case of normal death

Insurance cover of 48 lakhs Agniveer’s Seva Nidhi fund with government contribution and interest

In case of disability due to duty

Lump sum amount 44/25/15 lac on disability 100/75/50 per cent basis. Salary till completion of 4 full years will be provided along with service fund. Agniveer’s Seva Nidhi fund will be provided along with government contribution and interest.

Features of Agniveer Recruitment

  • Agniveers have to fulfill all the medical criteria.
  • The Agni Veers appointed under this scheme will have to wear Army Uniform for 4 years.
  • After the completion of the period of 4 years, certificate and award will be given to your protest.
  • The government will also provide training to its heroes.
  • 30 Annual Leave and Sick Leave can be obtained by Agniveers.
  • The appointed citizens will be provided medical facility through the service hospital.
  • A life insurance cover of Rs 4800000 will also be provided to Agnivero.
  • In case of death, a lump sum amount will be given to Agniveer’s family.
  • Agneepath scheme has been launched by the central government.
  • Under this scheme the youth will be inducted into the Indian Army.
  • The citizens appointed under Agniveer Bharti will be called Agniveer.
  • This year 46000 Agniveer recruitment will be done by the government in the army.
  • Agniveer can provide his services for 4 years.
  • Agniveer will be given retirement after 4 years.
  • Agniveers will be given a salary of ₹ 30000 per month.
  • Apart from this, Agniveers will be given all the benefits that are provided to other soldiers.
  • Citizens from 17.5 to 23 years can apply under this scheme.
  • Service Fund will be provided on completion of 4 years period. The amount of which will be Rs 11.71 lakh.
  • Many other benefits will also be provided to Agniveers so that they can get employment after retirement.
  • Apart from this, 25 percent Agniveers will also be provided permanent jobs in the army.

Eligibility for Agniveer Recruitment (Indian Army)

Agniveer (General Duty) (All Arms)  

Applicant’s age should be between 17.5 to 23 years. Agniveer should have secured minimum 45% aggregate marks in class X and 33% marks in each subject in class X. The boards that follow the grading system must have obtained a minimum D grade in each subject by Agniveer and must have obtained an overall C2 grade.

Agniveer (technical) (all arms) and Agniveer (technical) (aviation and ammunition examiner)  

Applicant’s age should be between 17.5 to 23 years. Agniveer should have 50% marks in class 12th Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English and must have secured minimum 40% marks in all four subjects or the applicant who has done Nios or ITI course can also apply under the scheme. Huh. They must have done NSQF Level 4 or above course in the required field of minimum 1 year duration.

  Agniveer Clerk/Store Keeper (technical) (all arms)

Applicant’s age should be between 17.5 to 23 years. Agniveer should have passed 12th class. Minimum 50% marks should be obtained in each subject. Under this scheme aggregate marks are fixed at 60%. It is mandatory for Agniveer to get 50% marks in class 12th in maths/accounts/book keeping.

Agniveer Tradesman (all arms) 10th pass  

Applicant’s age should be between 17.5 to 23 years. Agniveer should have passed 10th class. Applicant must have secured minimum 33% marks.

Agniveer Tradesman (all arms) 8th pass  

Applicant’s age should be between 17.5 to 23 years. Applicant should have passed class VIII. Applicant should have secured minimum 33% marks.

Important Documents of Agniveer Recruitment

  • Admit card
  • Passport size color photograph
  • Educational certificate
  • Domicile certificate
  • Cast certificate
  • Religion Certificate
  • School character certificate
  • Unmarried certificate (for citizens below 21 years of age)
  • Relationship certificate
  • NCC Certificate
  • Sport certificate
  • Certificate of Bonus Marks
  • Aadhar card

Also Read : Rail Kaushal Vikas Yojana

Agniveer Recruitment Physical Fitness Test

1.6 km run1.6 km run1.6 km runBeam pull upsBeam pull ups
GroupTimeMarksPull upsMarks
Group 1Up till 5 minute 30 second601040
Group 25 minutes 31 second to 5 minute 45 second48933
Group 2827
Group 2721
Group 2616

Agniveer Bharti medical test

  • Agniveer’s medical test will be done at the rally site.
  • Those Agniveers who do not meet the medical criteria will be referred for specialist review.
  • The candidate will have to report to the military hospital within 5 days of the referral.

Provision of Bonus Marks in Common Entrance Test

Sons of serviceman, sons of ex serviceman, son Of war widow, son of widow of ex serviceman20For all trades as per rally notification
Widows of defence personnel who have died in harness20-DO-
NCC certificate holder  
NCC A certificate5For all trades as per rally notification
NCC B certificate10For all trades as per rally notification
NCC C certificate15Agniveer ClK/SKT/Tech
NCC C certificateExempted from CCEAgniveer Gd, Agniveer TDn
NCC C certificate holder and participated in republic day paradeExempted from CCEAgniveer ClK/SKT/Tech
Candidates having ‘O’ level (IT) Course Certificate issued by NIELIT and having higher level IT Courses Certificate from NIELIT ie., ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ level. (‘O’ level (IT) course certificate under DOEACC scheme issued only by NIELIT on or after 01 Jan 2020 will be accepted)15Agniveer ClK/SKT/Tech
Bonus marks for ITI course/skill qualification in addition to basic education qualification:- 1 year course at ITI2 years course at ITIDiploma holder304060Agniveer (Technical)
Sportsman having sports certificate  
Represented India at international level20AcCredited sports federation of India of respective sport that has fielded the team to represent India
Represented state at the senior or junior National level and having won any medal in individual event or have reached up to 8th position in team event15National sports federation of the respective sports as recognised by minimum of youth affairs and sport
Represented college or university in inter University championship and have won any medical individual event or have reached up to 6th position in the team event10Inter University sports board
Represented state at National level in khelo India games and have won any medal in individual event or have reached up to 6th position in the team event10National sports federation of the respective force or sports Authority of India as recognized by ministry of youth affairs and sports
Represented district at the state level and have won any medal in an individual event or have reached up to 4th position in the team event5Respective States sports federation as recognized by State sports ministry
Represented the state whole team in the events organized by all India school game federation and have won any medal in an individual event or up to 6th position in the team event5All India school games federation

Some important information related to Bonus Marks

  • Only one type of bonus marks can be obtained by a candidate.
  • Bonus marks can be obtained by only one citizen of a family.
  • It is mandatory to carry all the original certificates to the rally site.
  • Sport certificate is valid only for 2 years from the date of issue.

Agniveer Recruitment Common Entrance Examination

  • All those candidates who will fulfill the medical criteria will have to appear for the common entrance examination.
  • The date and time of Common Entrance Examination will be intimated to the candidate.
  • Negative marking in CCE will be applicable.

Some important information related to Agniveer Recruitment

  • Under this scheme, Agniveers will be recruited under Army Act 1950.
  • No pension or gratuity will be provided to Agniveers.
  • Agniveers will have to fulfill all the medical criteria.
  • Agnivero can be posted in any regiment by the government.
  • After the completion of the engagement period, up to 25% of the total number of Agniveers will be permanently recruited in the army.
  • Agniveer, who has been recruited on a permanent basis, will serve in the Army for the next 15 years.
  • Agniveers will be given 30 annual leave in 1 year and sick leave as per medical advice.
  • Those candidates who belong to the community can get the tattoo done.

Guidelines related to Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment Rally

  • Agni Veers have to be present in the rally on the prescribed date and time.
  • During the rally, it will be mandatory for the agnive to carry his adhar card.
  • A grievance cell will also be established at the site of the rally.
  • All the candidates have to go for proper shave and haircut at the rally site.(exception in case of sikh candidate)
  • All the documents submitted by the candidate will be scrutinized by the government agencies.
  • No allowance will be provided for rally participation.
  • It is mandatory to have a photograph in the character certificate of the candidate.
  • It is forbidden to use any kind of performance enhancement drug in Rally.
  • Candidate will have to report two to three times at the rally site.
  • The candidate will also have to bring his/her vaccination certificate to the rally.
  • The result of the written exam can be checked by the Agniveers through the official website.
  • Candidates who do not receive the admit card 5 days before the rally can contact the army recruitment officer.
  • Each candidate can register under only one category.

Agniveer Bharti Online Application Process

  • First of all you have to go to the official website of Army.
  • On the home page, you have to click on the option of Agniveer Recruitment.

  • Now the application form will open on your screen.
  • You have to enter all the important information asked in the application form.
  • Now you have to upload all the important documents.
  • After that you have to click on submit option.
  • In this way you will be able to apply online under Agniveer Yojana.

Agniveer Recruitment Allowance

  • Agniveer will not be provided any kind of dearness allowance or military allowance.
  • Only risk and hardship, ration, dress and travel allowance will be provided to Agniveer.
  • Agniveer is not required to contribute to the Armed Forces Personnel Provident Fund or any other provident fund.
  • Gratuity and pensionary benefits should also not be provided to Agniveer.
  • Agniveer will be provided life insurance cover of 48 lakhs.

Agniveer’s Termination

  • Agniveer appointed under this scheme will have to render his services for 4 years.
  • Agniveer cannot resign before the completion of the term of 4 years.
  • According to the terms of the Army Act 1950, Agniveer can be terminated.

Benefits to be provided after completion of 4 years

  • Agniveer will be provided Seva Nidhi package.
  • Apart from this, skill certificate will also be provided to Agniveer which will have complete information related to his skill.
  • If Agniveer has joined the army after passing 10th standard, then after completion of 4 years, a certificate of passing class 12th will be given to him.

Some important information related to Seva Nidhi Package

  • A service fund package of 10.04 lakh will be provided to Agniveers after the completion of 4 years. In which equal contribution will be made by Agniveer and the government.
  • If Agniveers are recruited on a permanent basis, then only the amount of their contribution will be provided to Agniveers.
  • If Agniveer resigns before the completion of the term, then only the contribution deposited by him will be provided.
  • Sewa Nidhi package is income tax exempt.
  • Agniveer will not be provided dearness allowance and military service pay.
  • Only risk and hardship, ration, dress and travel allowance will be provided to Agniveer.
  • If Agniveer joins the army after passing class X, then he will be given a certificate of passing class 12th after rendering 4 years of service.

Discharge under Agneepath scheme

  • Agniveer will be retired after the completion of 4 years.
  • After retirement, the amount of service fund will be paid to Agniveer.
  • No pension or gratuity will be given to Agniveer.
  • Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme, Canteen Store Department Facility, Ex-Serviceman Status and other benefits provided to the Army will also not be provided to Agniveer.
  • If the secret information of the army has been made public by Agniveer or shared with anyone, then action should be taken against Agniveer under the Official Secret Act, 1923.
Indian Army Official NotificationClick Here
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Eligibility CriteriaClick Here
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